Let's Have a Wedding! (But first a B & B party!)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Last Chance to Sign Up!
Again, Microspa accepts Spa Finder gift certificates, which can be purchased at your friendly neighborhood Costco for 20% off the face value. If you want to save money on y our services, stop by your local wallet-draining store and pick you up some. Please rememer, they cannot be used at this spa for salon services or in the cafe.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hi Everyone!
This is Michelle's cousin here to to the rescue to clarify with everyone what is going on. Michelle's computer skillz aren't quite as dazzling as those Costco customer service skillz that landed Greg so she has been sending a bunch of cryptic, forwarded messages in an attempt to send you to her blog.
I hope that everyone has at least been able to decipher that Michelle has elected to have a spa day for her bachelorette party on 7.7.07. Microspa is her spa of choice and she has given them her name credit card number to temporarily reserve and block off a large segment of time to ensure that we all get our choice of service(s).
Please go to the Microspa website and review their spa menu to decide what spa services you want. Please respond by Friday March 30 as to your top 5 choices and how many services you want. Due to the # of girls and limited spa personnel, each girl will probably be able to receive a maximum of 2 services. (See more detail below in the first blog entry below). Reservation priority will be given in the order in which responses are received, meaning that the later you respond, the less likely you will receive your top choice(s). Please respond in a comment to this log entry below (see instructions below) or email me at itskristy@gmail.com. Please remember that if you don't respond by 3/30, you will be responsible for making your own reservations. Given that the spa is already booking appointments for that day, there is a strong possibility that you will not be able to get an appointment.I'm not sure if the massage therapist on duty is a male or female. If you have an absolute opposition to being massaged by a specific sex that would cause you to forego a massage if that sex were the only available, notate such in your response. Otherwise, I will assume you are open to either a male or female therapist.
To comment on a blog entry, click on the picture below to see an example of where to click to comment. Alternatively, you can go post directly by clicking here:

So far, we responders are (in order of response date/priority):
Michelle (queen for the day) wants 1 treatment
1. Full body massage with reflexology - 60 min @75
2. Esoteric reflexology foot treatment - 60 min
3. Swedish massage - 60 min @ $69
4. Express facial - 45 min @ $50
5. Pedicure (no time or price listed)If I can have 1 60min. treatment I can be cool w/ that, I'd prefer a smaller one also, but if I can't get it I'll settle for 2 mini's or whatever can be accomodated
Andrea: wants 1 treatment
1. Deep tissue massage 60 min
2. Hair treatment shampoo, cut and style
3. Full Body Reflexology massage - 60 min
1. deep tissue massage (90 preferably, will do 60)
2. Stress Therapy Facia - 65 minute l
3. Celex C Facial - 75 min
4. Pedicure - no time listed on menu
5. Manicure - no time listed on menu
Cheri - 1 Treatment
1. Full Body w/reflexology $75
2. South Western Hot Rock Treatment $75
3. Manicure and/or pedicure
Yvette- 1 Treatment
1. Full Body w/reflexology $75
2. South Western Hot Rock Treatment $75
3. Manicure and/or pedicure
Tricia- 2 Treatments (pedi + whichever facial is available.)
1. stress relief facial - 65 min
2. Back facial
3. Relaxation facial - I DON'T SEE THIS ON THE MENU
4. Pedicure
Jamie - 1 treatment
1. deep tissue massage (60 min.)
2. swedish massage (60 min.)
3. hot rock massage (60 min.)
4. thermal mud wrap
5. pedicure
Reiko - 1 treatment
Tressa - 2 Treatments
1. deep tissue massage (will do 60)
2. Stress Therapy Facia - 65 minute l
3. Celex C Facial - 75 min
4. Pedicure - no time listed on menu
5. Manicure - no time listed on menu
Mike - 1 treatment
1. Full Body Massage with Reflexology (60 min)
2. Therapeutic Massage (60 min)
3. Deep Tissue Massage (60 min)
4. Swedish Massage (60 min)
5. Custom Blended Massage (45 min
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Mich's response, if I may. ;0
Kristy- I asked you the questions about the contributors on here just in case anyone else was wondering. (I really don't want you to have to re-type everything twice.)
I never said I spoke to someone at Micro Spa regarding additional personel. I tx mess. all the girls saying that I wasn't going to make a fuss to them, Micro Spa, cutting back on specialist if we weren't going to end up needing them. ie- the girls , being my girls, aren't going to commit. So please get back to me if I have to go get all "Naomi Cambell" on them, being (micro spa) Then I would suggest contacting management. Since I did originally fist contact them mid feb.!
Cheri- The limo svc. of choice is Mammoth Transportation. 702 407 9777. I... , actually I think WE have a friend that works there, Jeff....____? 702 524 3191. CALL HIM First. He used to work w/us and hung around Silva and those boys. He also works @ Costco in Summerlin (vegas). I haven't asked about pricing . He said he will take care of everything! Girls, boys, day, night. The limo co's can make sure there is no cover for boys at the nuddie bars and guest lists for the girls @ the club. Tryst is my club of choice!!! (unless , and it's a good possibility better will open beforehand. Jeff will also be able to know about closed , private parties, just in case, we need a backup club. (not really a problem for other club lists, I have a couple of friends who will take care of us.) Micro Spa uses Personal Sedan Service 702 248 7706.
*Time to kill, I thought people would be eating b-fast snacks, mimmosas, cocktails, rest and relaxation rooms, saunas, steam rooms, some could shower there after treatments to save time. I would think we would want to shower there after treatments. ....?
*It's dinner @ the Rio buffet where Greg and I would like to go. sat. eve. It's a little pricey, but it's easy! Everyone pays the same and gets EVERYTHING they want. No one will be dissapointed.
Xoxo, Mich
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Who, how, what makes us contributors?
1st- thanks for the sign on. I was to tired to spend more time trying to figure that one out, just assumed you already had. So once the other girls leave a post does that make them contributors too? Or are just you and I the "contributors" ? Griselda should be getting in touch w/you shortly also. I think her man Ryan might want to do the spa thing. I told her to check w/you because you havn't mentioned Mike as far as the spa for a while. ( I don't mind ) xoxo, Mich
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Spa Update
O.k so I called Micro Spa in hopes of getting Nichole, the girl who I was working w/before. I needed a couple of questions answered to help me pick my 5! lol, (just like T-mobile)
Humor aside , Nichole's day off, I got Missy. She verified for me that the SALON services , hair, nails, ect. and EATERY do NOT accept the Spa Finder G.F.'s. Every other service does!
Missy also informed me that due to outside circumstances Micro Spa will only have ONE aesthetician and ONE massage therapist working on the 7th. And as we mentioned before they already have some bookings for that day. I gave her my credit card # as a deposit only, to block the aesthetician and therapist for a window from 11am-5pm. We don't need to stay there that long, it's only until we can work out our appointments. In my opinion 11-3 would be satisfying...comments..? I'm kinda upset that they are not going to have 2 and 2 like originaly stated. Especially since I contacted the mid Feb. Nothing's in stone yet.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Bachelor & Bachelorette Party
The race car driving school is closed that weekend for a race, so the guys have opted for another mature form of entertainment...
As for us ladies, my bachelorette party is featuring Spa Day at Microspa. It offers a wide range of services at a reasonable price and more importantly, we can use SpaFinder gift certificates! These GC are available at Costco at a 20% discount off the face value. The GC are sold in units of (2) $50 GC for $80. You know that I am thrifty so I am sharing it with you! The only drawback to the GC is that you cannot receive cash back when redeemed so if there is any unused value, you lose it. For example, you purchase $100 worth of GC but the treatment is only $70, so you lose $30 of value. In order to minimize this unused value, we can pool our gift certificates as a group to pay for the entire cost of everyone's services. We are still in the process of figuring out whether we will do this given the hassle involved, since it will require everyone to decide what services they want then send me (or my MOH) the money to buy the GC in advance.
For right now, we just want to get reservations made. Icalled the spa several weeks ago and they were already booking reservation for our day (7/7) so I gave the spa my name and credit card number to temporarily reserve and block off a large segment of time to ensure that we all get our choice of service(s).
Please go to the Microspa website and review their spa menu to decide what services you want. Please respond by Friday March 30. On April 1, we will be calling the spa to reserve everyone's selection and the remaining time slots on hold will be dropped. Anyone that doesn't respond by March 30 will be on their own for making their own reservations. My cc will remain on file to guarantee the specific reservations for those that responded by 3/30 but each person will ultimately be responsible for payment for their own service(s). My cc will be charged for the full price of the service if there are any no-shows or cancellations after the spa's grace period, so please keep that in mind if you have a change of plans.
Due to the # of girls going and the limited number of spa technicians, each person will be able to receive only ONE treatment, possiby 2. What I need you to do is:
- Indicate whether you are going to the spa just to hang with the girls (but not receive a treatment) or whether you want a treatment,
- If you want a treatment, tell me how many treatments you want (1 or 2) and
- list your top FIVE choices of spa servvices (list your top choice first)
Why am I asking for your top five choices? Due to the # of girls and limited number of spa personnel, it is highly likely that they won't be able to accomodate everyone's top choice. So please don't list a service unless you are willing to have it booked for you. Additionally, please do not choose 4-5 different types of the same service e.g. deep tissue massage, swedish massage, aromatherapy massage etc. Please try to choose from as many different categories (as defined on left side of the spa menu) as possible. Again, this is due to the fact there is limited spa personnel and specifying all the same type of service does nothing to increase flexibility.
Please post your selections in the comments section by clicking on the "X Comments" at the bottom of this entry. You do not need a user account to post there.